Sunday, November 29, 2015

Famous Last Words: Week 13

Wow! I do not know about the rest of y’all, but I really enjoyed my Thanksgiving break!

With graduation around the corner, everything is wrapping up! But of course as it wraps up, there just becomes more and more to do it seems! So having a few days of traveling and family time was just what I needed to escape!

My boyfriend and I left Tuesday morning and flew to Houston. I seem to always have flight issues, but this time everything we perfect! We left a nice 60 degrees Oklahoma and landed in a nice 70 degrees Texas. For me it was a little odd because I am very used to all of the fall holidays being cold. So being able to go outside by the pool in November was a different experience!

Personal photo taken on Thanksgiving Day 2015

We went to the Rockets game on Wednesday with his family and then had dinner on Thursday evening. Overall, it felt like a REALLY short trip, but it was for sure fun! Christmas break we will be able to stay there a little longer, so I am looking forward to that.

We flew back Friday morning so we could go have dinner with my family Friday night and were welcomed back to a freezing cold Oklahoma! Not what I wanted at all! Thankfully, we got back and to my grandparents house before the actual ice storm hit. I was not looking forward to having to drive on any ice!

We returned to Norman this afternoon, and now we are getting back into the whole school thing for the last few weeks of the semester. I think the most exciting thing about today is that I only have 20 days until I graduate! What a relief!

With this class wrapping up, and my capstone wrapping up, I feel like I am in pretty good shape to end this semester!

Portfolio Guide

Jack and Jill
A story about a girl named Jill who loves a boy named Jack.

The Spoiled Ox
A story about a farmer who knows a thing or two about respect and care.

The Princess and the Bird
A story about a Princess who finds true love in an unusual way.

The Man in the Moon
A story about a girl who think she loves the moon.

Life of a Carpenter
A story about a man who follows his instinct.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Extra Reading Diary: Fables of La Fontaine

Foolish Animals

-Stories about foolish animals entertain me quite a bit. I like them because it seems that the "underdog" wins in most of theses stories.
-For instance, in the tortoise in and the hare, everyone would expect the rabbit to win. However, the turtle wins due to outsmarting the rabbit and the rabbit being too confident.
-I am a big fan of twists in stories, and that is how a lot of these animal stories are written

Cartoon taken from WikiMedia Commons

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Reading Diary A: Russian Folktales

I know its not the same Friday as in the story, but I sure do love Friday's and fries!
(Photo taken from RedBubble

This story confused me. I am not understanding the references at all. I do not know who Mother Friday is supposed to be. All I understood was that the lady fell asleep while working.

The Dead Mother:
As soon as I saw the word “kinsfolk” I knew I should read this story. I had just had a conversation about the word “kin” and refereeing to someone as being your “kin” this weekend.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Extra Reading Diary: English Fairy Tales

-I originally read this story simply because my name was in the title
-Molly is the youngest in the story, just like I am the youngest
-I like that Molly was the mastermind. I like tot think I am the mastermind of my sisters

-I like that Molly was successful in all of her challenges

(Photo taken from WikiMedia Commons)
-In all stories with giants, I always picture and imagine the Jolly Green Giant

Monday, November 9, 2015

Famous Last Words: Week 11

Well if anything is going right in my life currently, it would be my capstone! Our final project is finally coming together and looking great! I cannot wait until we present and I can just be done with this project forever!
The class and the group meetings have taken over my life completely. I need it to be over so I can have social life again!

Some exciting news in my life:

My class ring came in! YAY! I’m not sure why but I was so excited when it came in! I guess it makes it seem a little more “real” that I am actually graduating.

To add to that mentioned above, my graduation announcements came in! That is kind of exciting I guess, but lets be honest, I am not looking forward to addressing all of those and then wring thank you notes later.

My most exciting news is that my trip to NYC is finalized and planned for good! I cannot wait! I have never been to NYC so I am really looking forward to this! I am going the first week of January, so I am hoping it is snowy and like a Christmas wonderland of some kind!

I guess you could call this random news, but, I went to trivia night at O'Connell's with my boyfriend and his friends and well, WE WON! Yup, first place! And we got $50 to use at the restaurant for winning! WOOHOO! 

Low quality picture with high quality friends:)
(Personal photo taken after winning trivia night on 11/5/15)

In other news…

I would love it if just ONE of the companies I have interviewed with would get back to me with a “yes” or “no” as to whether or not I will work for them after I graduate!

I am getting so stressed out by this whole “job hunt” thing and I need a job like ASAP. I really do not want to serve tables again. I would love a salaried job. I feel like these dreams are not too crazy, so I need to make them happen!

If anyone out there is reading this and knows of any openings within marketing or advertising, please feel free to comment below!

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Storytelling Week 11: The Lucky Lion

The Lucky Lion
John Lion was a focused man. He was focused on his job more than anything else. This was because Mr. Lion had just received a promotion. He was the new manager of The Rainforest Café. He held many different titles within the restaurant over many years, but this was the chance he had been waiting for all along. Mr. Lion knew this day would come, he just did not know when. No matter the timing, John Lion was extremely thankful for the opportunity and responsibility of running his own restaurant.

As a young boy working in the kitchen, all the way until be made is way out on to the dining room floor, he watched the managers run the place as if it were a piece of cake. Mr. Lion was looking forward to that moment.


It was Mr. Lion’s first night on the floor as the manager. He arrived at work early to make sure everyone would run smoothly. Unfortunately, he had more issues than he could have ever imagined. After going into the kitchen, he realized the dishwasher was broke and two of his cooks were late. He wanted to make sure no one thought he could not handle it so he started helping out back there. Before he knew it, orders were flying in! However, another speed bump stopped Mr. Lion once again. Servers were coming into the kitchen panicked because not all of the serving staff had arrived. This put some pressure on Mr. Lion, but once again, he wanted everyone to think he had it under control. Therefore, Mr. Lion went out on to the dining room floor and began helping the servers.

After a little bit of time spent helping the servers he took a step back and looked around at his fully functioning restaurant. It was in that moment that he realized he was really in charge. The biggest thing Mr. Lion learned that night was that even though he was the boss, there might be times when he needs to wash the dishes or help cook or even help serve. He discovered that becoming the manager did not give him a new title or a new job. Becoming the manager meant that he now had a little piece of every title and every job through out the restaurant. That no matter where the weak spot may be, he could help strengthen it again.

(Photo taken from WikiMedia Commons)

Author’s Note:
I have worked in many restaurants throughout my life, and for some reason as I was reading  different fables from the section Lions in Aesop’s Fables, all I could imagine were those crazy jungle-like nights. I have watched many managers, who are a lot like the king of the jungle in a restaurant, succeed like the lions did in some fables. However, I have also seen the exact opposite, where the managers have need our help much like the lion needed the help of other animals in some fables.
For this story, I combined a lot of different fables from the section Lions in Aesop’s Fables. Sometimes the lion was king of the jungle, and other times he needed his fellow animals to help him out. To me it seemed as if the lion was like a real person, perhaps like a boss. Usually a boss is someone who runs the place most of the time, but of course, there are some times that he or she could use a little help from his other workers. I decided to name my main character John Lion because he may not be an actual lion in the jungle, but he is the king of his jungle.

Aesop’s Fables: Lions
Fables and Satires
Sir Brooke Boothby (1809)

Monday, November 2, 2015

Reading Diary A: Aesop's Fables

Aesop's Fables

-I really liked The Man and the Goose
-It was a clever twist on the golden egg story
-The Wolf and the Shepards: the hypocrisy of human beings (Quakers)
-A Boy that would not learn his book: affection and obscenity do not go together
-Two travelers find an oyster: referees don't forget themselves

-The different lion stories really caught my attention
-Sometimes the lions were smarter, but other times the animal in which they were trying to attack was smarter

(Photo taken from WikiMedia Commons)

These were just a few fables that caught my attention. I have some good ideas for stories based off this first half!

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Famous Last Words: Week 10

Well Halloween week and weekend for most is a time to dress up, go to the bars, and just be crazy! And if that was you, I am not judging at all! Trust me, I used to, I just cannot do it anymore! 

However, my boyfriend and I decided to use Halloween weekend to relive our childhoods!

Friday we decided to fight the rain and head to the Science Museum of Oklahoma! It used to be called the Omniplex. Growing up in Oklahoma we would take class field trips there every few years. This was my first time back since I was in about 3rd grade, so I was not sure what to expect.
Personal Photo taken Oct. 30th 2015
Surprisingly, it was really fun! The exhibits are really interesting, and interactive, and the coolest thing of all is that they have a Segway course! I thought we were going to go in there and be surrounded by little kids everywhere, but I guess the rain kept a lot people home. 
Personal photo of my boyfriend during the Segway course
We then decided we did not want to deal with a ton of college students drunk and in costumes all over Norman on Friday night, so we decided to stay in and watch all of the Ocean’s movies (Ocean’s 11, Ocean’s 12, and Ocean’s 13). I had never seen any of them, but ended up really liking them!

Saturday was spent doing a whole lot of NOTHING. We watched football and baseball, and carved pumpkins. Honestly, carving pumpkins is one of my favorite holiday traditions so I am glad I convinced my boyfriend to do it even though it was last minute!
Personal photo taken Oct. 31st 2015
Today I have been posted up at the Biz almost all day trying to get ready for this week! Between classes, homework, projects, work and interviews, I’ve got a busy week ahead! I am a little stressed, but hey, isn’t that what college is all about?

Hope everyone had a happy and safe Halloween weekend!