Monday, November 9, 2015

Famous Last Words: Week 11

Well if anything is going right in my life currently, it would be my capstone! Our final project is finally coming together and looking great! I cannot wait until we present and I can just be done with this project forever!
The class and the group meetings have taken over my life completely. I need it to be over so I can have social life again!

Some exciting news in my life:

My class ring came in! YAY! I’m not sure why but I was so excited when it came in! I guess it makes it seem a little more “real” that I am actually graduating.

To add to that mentioned above, my graduation announcements came in! That is kind of exciting I guess, but lets be honest, I am not looking forward to addressing all of those and then wring thank you notes later.

My most exciting news is that my trip to NYC is finalized and planned for good! I cannot wait! I have never been to NYC so I am really looking forward to this! I am going the first week of January, so I am hoping it is snowy and like a Christmas wonderland of some kind!

I guess you could call this random news, but, I went to trivia night at O'Connell's with my boyfriend and his friends and well, WE WON! Yup, first place! And we got $50 to use at the restaurant for winning! WOOHOO! 

Low quality picture with high quality friends:)
(Personal photo taken after winning trivia night on 11/5/15)

In other news…

I would love it if just ONE of the companies I have interviewed with would get back to me with a “yes” or “no” as to whether or not I will work for them after I graduate!

I am getting so stressed out by this whole “job hunt” thing and I need a job like ASAP. I really do not want to serve tables again. I would love a salaried job. I feel like these dreams are not too crazy, so I need to make them happen!

If anyone out there is reading this and knows of any openings within marketing or advertising, please feel free to comment below!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Molly! It's so exciting that you're going to NYC. And the first week of January will provide the perfect New York experience. The only time my friends and I did trivia night at O'Connell's they were all out of it before we made it to the end, so kudos for winning! I hope your job hunt goes well! I'm sure lots of companies would be lucky to have you.
