Sunday, August 30, 2015

Growth Mindset

I had never formally heard of Carol Dweck or the growth mindset, but as I started listening to the videos I realized I already knew and understood the growth mindset somewhat. I heard about being the different kinds of learners in the aspects of  the spectrum, but I never knew the formal name.

I personally feel that I am closer to the growth mindset overall in my life. A couple points that I can relate to on a very high level would be learning from criticism, and persistence in the face of setbacks. I find criticism and constructive criticism to be very motivating. When I get told that I have done something wrong or could have done better somehow, it makes me want to perfect that action. I have also lived a life of many setbacks, and as each one occurred, it only made me try harder and harder.

Since being at the University of Oklahoma, I realized I am a very visual and hands on learner. In high school, I feel like I just slide by with minimal effort. Once I started classes at the University of Oklahoma, I quickly realized I needed to put more effort into my studies by reading and rereading my material if necessary. One of my biggest challenges was getting through my first semester during my freshman year when I was still trying to understand and perfect what kind of a learner I was.

I am very interested in learning more about the growth mindset. I feel that the more information I have on it, the more likely I am to inch my way closer to that end of the spectrum.

I am a very big fan of the “Growth Mindset Challenges.” I am always looking for new ways to read and write, so getting the chance to express those on these blogs really excites me!

I am not sure how much the focusing on the growth mindset will work directly with my other two classes this semester. I have had 4 years to really develop my learning and learning style, so as I finish up my college career I feel as if I am pretty set in my ways. As most college seniors usually are, I am worried about my capstone, but that is only because it is my only class standing between me and my degree.

I chose the picture below from our professors blog because I can relate to it in many ways. I have learned many lesson in my short 22 years by originally getting it wrong.


  1. That cat is just too funny, but the message attached to it rather inspiring. I know that for me, when I make a mistake rather at school, work, or life in general, I know not to do it again. Sometimes it even helps me to find my own flow or the ability to solve the problem.

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  4. I did the same thing in high school, and the same thing in my first semester as you. I had a chill senior year, but everything changed in the first semester of college. After focusing on the harder materials, I thought I started to do better. Another thing I got from growth mindset is that the materials are just as important as grades. People including me tend to forget this sometimes.
    I think that is all. Also, I love the cat!!

  5. Hey molly, I am sure most of us had that similar setback through the transition of high school to college. I know for me it was a big punch in the face so I had to try harder to actually learn things for the learning of them. For the most I find myself wanting to learn a little more about the growth mindset as well.
