Thursday, September 17, 2015

Extra Reading Diary: Nursery Rhyme Riddles

 Readings the different riddles was very fun. I was trying to figure out what the riddle was specking of before looking at the answer. 

This one specifically, I was close!

“I WENT to the wood and got it;
I sat me down and looked at it;
The more I looked at it the less I liked it;
And I brought it home because I couldn't help it.”

The answer is a thorn, however I thought it was splinter. But I am still confused because I think the two might be the same in this situation. When I hear thorn I think of thorns on roses, but maybe wood had thorns too?

I got this one right because of the last two lines in it.

“LITTLE Nancy Etticoat
In a white petticoat,
And a red rose.
The longer she stands
The shorter she grows.”

I had read a riddle before that said “The longer I stand the shorter I grow, what am I?” So I knew this one was a candle.
(Picture taken from WikiMedia Commons)
I would recommend that everyone go read some of these riddles! They seem to make reading much more fun!

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